Be a part of the diverse, dynamic business community of the Old Fourth Ward.
Members are classified as businesses located within the boundaries of the O4W designated legal entity. General meetings are the 4th Wednesday of each month and are always open to anyone with a business or business interest in the O4W. Members are eligible for all benefits and also have voting rights. Interested businesses located outside of the O4W Boundaries should review our Community Partnership Opportunities.
Become a Member
Please choose your level of membership:
Payment Terms:
- Online payment available by credit card. Payment by check available after you fill out the application by the link above. Make membership checks payable to: O4WBA
O4WBA Member Terms:
- Membership investments can be paid by MONTHLY reoccurring payments, 6 MONTH or ANNUALLY.
- 10% discount for annual payment paid in full via check or credit card.
- Monthly membership payments are payable by credit card only. No checks accepted.
- Membership is tracked per calendar year. Your membership is renewed on the date you join.
- Membership is tax deductible. The O4WBA is a 501 c(6) Non-Profit Membership based organization.
- All members automatically are listed in the directory once membership application is complete and paid.
Become a Community Partner
O4WBA invites Atlanta stakeholders to partner together to build, grow and foster the business community of the Old Fourth Ward. We offer a variety of annual and project-based partnership opportunities to fit the needs of all of Atlanta’s businesses.
Please choose your level of membership: